A-Z Index
Carbon Disulfide (CS2)
Carbon Disulfide (CS2) is a versatile chemical intermediate that satisfies an array of needs in markets, ranging from agrochemicals to mining. It is derived from Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) and provides optimal sulfur functionality within your formulation. As one of two domestic U.S. producers of CS2, our team is committed to working with your business to safely and effectively use our material. Our skilled R&D and manufacturing teams have decades of experience in the development, storage, and handling of organo-sulfur chemistry.
Carelflex®, an on-site sulfiding service for refineries
In addition to supplying and delivering the most efficient and highest purity sulfiding agent, DMDS Evolution® E2 (Dimethyl disulfide), Arkema offers Carelflex®, an on-site sulfiding service carried out by highly qualified technicians, providing the technical and safety knowledge, digital monitoring as well as assistance you need for efficient, hassle-free catalyst sulfiding.
Cationic acrylic monomers
The cationic acrylic monomers (Adame®, Adamquat®) are mainly used as flocculents in water treatment. Adame® is a trademark registered by Arkema.
Cecabase RT®
The Cecabase RT® range is the reference technology for the production of warm mix asphalt (WMA).
Cecabase® additives
Cecabase® additives are adhesion promoters for various applications of bitumen emulsions and bitumen mixes.
Cecabase® range are used as adhesion promoters and antistripping agents in various applications of cold, warm and hot mixes.
Cecabase® RWI Asphalt Rejuvenator for Reclaimed / Recycled Asphalt Pavement (RAP)
Cecabase® RWI is an asphalt rejuvenator additive that enables increased reclaimed / recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) usage while delivering equivalent or better RAP mix performance compared to virgin binder mix.
Cecajel® thickening additive
The Cecajel® range is the leading additive technology for thickening of all acid formulations used as scale removers for sanitary installations and industrial equipment as well as for rust removal operations. The Cecajel® range is easy to process (no heating, short dissolving), provides clear and stable gels and complies with the detergent regulation 648/2004.
Certin® Precise
“Be Certin®, Be precise!”
The Certin® Precise advanced technology applies cold-end coating protection. Used in combination with Certin® Clear, it strongly improves scratch resistance. This innovation proposes Certin® Topcoat 201 with adapted applicator as the new spray cold-end coating system which allow the best homogenous density of coating layer on the bottles.
The most advanced glass container protection CertinAdvance® is designed to improve your coating quality and your production efficiency. It is based on 3 foundations : Certin® Clear, Certin® Liner and Certin® Precise.
Certincoat® BlueLite
Certincoat® BlueLite hard CVD coatings provide durable blue color coating on energy efficient windows for shade in warm (cooling dominated) climates.
Certincoat® flat glass coatings
Arkema's Flat Glass team is dedicated to the development of advanced coating technologies that improve the energy savings and performance of glass. Enjoy enhanced comfort without sacrificing flexibility in design. Certincoat® Low Emissivity coatings combine exceptional energy savings performance with the durability and ease of handling of clear glass.
Learn more on www.glasscoating-arkema.com
Certincoat® LowE
Certincoat® Low E coating is a pyrolytic multilayer coating and energy efficient glazing product designed to prevent heat loss from the warm interior to the cold exterior with energy efficient windows. It provides low emissivity, color neutrality, high transmission for sunlight, flexibility and durability.
Certincoat® SunE
Certincoat® SunE coating combines solar control with low emissivity in a neutral color hard ceramic coating suitable for either monolithic or insulating glazing. Certincoat® SunE coating allows in the visible light but prevents infrared heat from entering through energy efficient windows, keeping the interior cool in the summer time.
Certincoat® SunLite
Solar radiation control is the ability to control solar heat gain, or the amount of heat from the sun that enters a window. Certincoat® SunLite coating is a unique energy efficient product with low solar heat gain and high transmission of visible light with hard coat durability for energy efficient windows - outstanding for temperate climates.
Certincoat® TC100
As the most frequently used hot-end coating material in the world, Arkema's Certincoat® TC100 hot-end coating for glass container has proven its quality over and over again. Certincoat® TC100 in combination with the Certincoat® System provides the most economical way of applying a protective primer hot end coating on glass. TC100 is based on pure and distilled monobutyltin trichloride with a stabilizer to prevent crystal formation that leads to clogging-up of pumps and process tubing. TC 100 has low DBTC contents, while its TBTC content is actually below detection limit.
Certincoat® TC100 hot-end container glass coating
Certincoat® TC100 hot-end container glass coating is the worldwide standard for container glass coatings used in the beverage and food industry. Whether for returnable or one-way glass packaging, Certincoat® TC100 coating and the Certincoat® C-series and XE-series online coating hoods provide a complete solution for the beverage and food glass container industries.
Learn more on www.glasscoating-arkema.com
Certincoat® TCO
Growing demands for renewable energy make Certincoat® TCO glass coating a vital element in your future solar cell applications as well as energy efficient windows. Certincoat® TCO glass coatings are an excellent choice for thin-film solar cells, and provide glass manufacturers cost effective glass applications in photovoltaics.
Chain Transfer Agents
Mercaptans are commonly used as reactants in the manufacturing processes of many common rubber and thermoplastic materials. The use of mercaptans allows for fine control of the molecular chain length during polymerization, leading to easy processing conditions and mechanical performance of the resulting polymer.
Clearstrength® MBS Impact Modifiers
Clearstrength® MBS impact modifiers are available around the world for use in engineering resins applications. The Clearstrength® E-series has been developed to withstand severe processing conditions and bring high impact peformance especially at low temperatures. Applications include PC/ABS monitor housings, PC/PBT automotive bumpers, and PC cell phone housings among a host of others. Our new MBS Clearstrength® XT100 offers the possibility to bring impact performances in high performance composites and structural adhesives markets.
Satin, gloss paints as well as pigment pastes require specific solutions. The Coadis™ dispersants line exhibits original solutions that combine development of superior optical properties, gloss and gloss retention, color strength, hiding power with great application properties such as good flow and leveling and storage stability.
The Coapur™ range of polyurethane thickeners offers wide but comprehensive solutions from very Newtonian to highly pseudoplastic rheological profiles. The XS grades are more specifically designed to enhance compatibilities with exceptional color acceptance and versatility. Enhanced application properties can be achieved, with less pH dependence and improved hydrophobicity.
Codetect® industrial gas odorization
Arkema has developed a full range of high quality gas odorants Codetect® can be used in steel manufacturing for CO rich gases to prevent poisoning and asphyxiation. Other formulations such as Spotleak® or pure products (sulphides) can be used for certain industrial applications such as oxygen, CO2, hydrogen, and nitrogen..).
ColdGrip® Cold Mix Asphalt Additives and Adhesion Promoters for Road Paving
ColdGrip® cold mix asphalt additives and adhesion promoters deliver better cold patch longevity and performance by giving cold patches the ability to displace water along the sides and bottom of potholes, and enabling them to adhere properly. They allow for proper cutback coverage on the aggregate and they protect cold patches from moisture damage susceptibility.
While processing water in their plants, our customers need to rely on effective solutions to prevent scale deposit. Unsuitable scale control programs can lead to water over-consumption and compromise assets integrity. Rheology and Specialty Additives' CORINTH™ polymer offers a broad range of scale inhibitors suitable for a variety of conditions.
Crayvallac® Additives
The range of CRAYVALLAC® additives have been developed to help formulators improve the performance of solvent-free, solvent-based and water-borne coatings.
Coating Resins by Arkema proposes a wide variety of functional additives for decorative and industrial coatings, sealants, adhesives and inks. Crayvallac® additives include rheology modifiers, surface modifiers (designed to improve properties like matting, anti-abrasion, slip and rub, sanding and texturing), and flow and leveling agents.
The range is available and well-known globally for its performance properties.
CustAmine® Cationic Froth Flotation Reagent Collectors for Mining and Mineral Processing
CustAmine® froth flotation reagent collectors are designed to maximize mineral grade and recovery during mining and mineral processing. They are cationic collectors that are custom formulated for specific ore bodies and process conditions that are primarily used in the flotation of industrial minerals.
Custo pH® Modifiers for pH Control in Froth Flotation
Custo pH® modifiers boost the efficiency of the froth flotation process during mining and mineral processing by creating ideal conditions for collector function and mineral separation. They provide better pH control during flotation by inhibiting the interaction of gangue minerals with the collector, while promoting collector deposition on the desired mineral surface for a faster float, cleaner concentrate and higher mineral recovery.
CustoFloat® Anionic Froth Flotation Reagent Collectors and Float Oils
CustoFloat® froth flotation reagent collectors and float oils are designed to work together to maximize mineral grade and recovery during mineral processing. They are custom formulated for specific ore bodies and process conditions and are primarily used in the flotation of industrial minerals.
CustoFloc® Flocculants: Dewatering / Filter Aids and Water Clarifiers
CustoFloc® mining flocculants include mine dewatering / filter aids, mine water clarifiers, clay settling aids and phosphate rock slurry thickeners which are used to clean flotation process water to reduce reagent consumption and improve mineral recovery, and to treat discharge water so that stringent environmental standards can be met. CustoFloc® filtration and clarification aids are also used during phosphoric acid production from phosphate rock to improve gypsum slurry filtration for higher production rates and recovery, as well as to quickly remove contaminants from the acid by accelerating settling time for better acid strength.
CustoFroth® Flotation Frothers in Froth Flotation
CustoFroth® flotation frothers / surfactants are custom-formulated blends developed to enhance the froth flotation process. They enable froth formation, stabilize bubble size and facilitate mineral particle adhesion to air bubbles. CustoFroth® flotation frothers optimize effectiveness in all types of flotation systems, especially in phosphate and other industrial mineral flotation operations.
CustoPrep® Flotation Depressants / Promoters for Froth Flotation
CustoPrep® flotation depressants / promoters are used to increase the efficiency of the froth flotation process by selectively inhibiting or encouraging the interaction of a mineral with the collector. When used in conjunction with a collector, CustoPrep® flotation depressants / promoters enhance flotation kinetics to improve grade and recovery of industrial minerals.
CustoSperse™ Rheology Modifiers / Mineral Slurry Pumping Additives for Mining
CustoSperse™ rheology modifiers / mineral slurry pumping additives are custom formulated for specific ore types to optimize the slurry pumping, transportation and wet grinding processes in mining.