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Jun 19 2024
  • Corporate
  • Women’s football
  • Sport
  • CSR

Arkema and NC Courage announce 2024 Pride Initiative

Arkema is proud to announce our Pride month collaboration with the North Carolina Courage ...
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nc courage game 1 photo with logo.jpg
nc courage game 1 photo with logo.jpg
Jul 06 2023
  • Corporate
  • Women’s football
  • Sport

Arkema, new partner of the French national Women's Football Team

Namer of D1 Arkema since 2019, Arkema is now a partner of the French national Women's Football ...
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May 03 2023
  • Women’s football
  • Sport

Arkema partners with the film "Marinette"

Arkema is a partner in the film about Marinette Pichon, a famous French soccer player with an ...
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See also
