MSA LC (Methane Sulfonic Acid Low Corrosion)
MSA LC (Methane Sulfonic Acid Low Corrosion - CH3SO3H) is a strong acid esterification catalyst that improves yield for biodiesel producers using advantaged feeds, with significantly reduced corrosivity toward stainless steel materials.
- Worldwide
Common name : MSA LC
MSA LC description
The esterification of free fatty acids and the neutralization of glycerol are two unavoidable problems in the biodiesel manufacturing process. This is why we have developed MSA-LC (Methane Sulfonic Acid Low Corrosion), an acid with very low corrosive properties towards stainless steels with exceptional properties and offers many advantages:
- MSA LC (Low Corrosion) is a low corrosion formulation strong acid that provides a wide range of benefits for esterification in the biodiesel industry. It can be used as an acidulation or neutralization agent, or as an esterification catalyst that improves yield for biodiesel producers and allows the use of advantaged feedstocks like waste oils or animal fats.
- MSA LC (Low Corrosion) is characterized by its high flexibility: it is fully compatible with standard stainless steels AISI 304L, AISI 316L.
- The use of MSA LC in a biodiesel unit also contributes to significantly reduce the risk of corrosion of pipes, reactors, separators and purification units.
MSA LC properties
- Convert free fatty acids. MSA LC is very efficient for the pretreatment of oils containing > 1.0% FFA - to convert the FFA’s to biodiesel. This innovative product affords higher conversion with time vs. H2SO4.
- Limit by-product formation. MSA LC also reduces the creation of by-products as this catalyst is non-oxidizing and non-dehydrating. Customers find that their final product has better color, and there is less catalyst loss as well.
- Neutralize the glycerol phase. Our customers appreciate the greater solubility of MSA LC salts when purifying glycerol.
MSA LC, enabler for biodiesel manufacturing
MSA LC as a higher-performing alternative acid that avoids the corrosion problems that arise when inorganic acids, such as sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid, are used in pre-esterification, significantly reducing the corrosivity toward stainless steel materials.
- Better selectivity than other acids
- Reduction in waste treatment
- Reduces maintenance and down time
- Better biodiesel color and clarity
- Variable costs optimization
Technical Assistance
“Switching to MSA LC (Methane Sulfonic Acid Low Corrosion) enabled us to make a product that we could not make before – Glycerol Platinum Seed. Arkema was also a lot more helpful than our previous provider who just dropped off the product.”
MSA LC, a superior acid catalyst in biodiesel manufacturing
Content includes: main benefits of MSA LC, relative performance of MSA LC over other acids, FFA conversion with various acidic catalysts.DOWNLOAD OUR FLYER