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Vigileak®, mercaptan blends for LPG odorization

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Product overview

Arkema has developed Vigileak®, an innovative new group of gas odorants for LPG offering higher chemical stability versus Ethyl Mercaptan.

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Chemical name: TertioButylMercaptan (TBM), DiMethylSulfide (DMS), MethylEthylSulfide (MES)
Common name: Mercaptan, Sulfide

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Vigileak® gas odorants blends description

Odorization of LPG is a complex process with particular constraints. LPG odorant is injected in the liquid phase but it has to be balanced with the gaseous state above the liquid. Therefore, LPG odorization demands a complex combination of odorant properties in order to ensure its safety. Historically, the main technology is based on Ethyl Mercaptan, but Arkema has developed two other mercaptan blends named Vigileak® (7030 and Z), an innovative range of gas odorants for LPG, offering higher chemical stability versus Ethyl Mercaptan and an easier handling profile.
  • Odorization with Vigileak® 7030 provides the same alert level as Ethyl Mercaptan, and at lower injection dosage, generating significant savings for our customers.
  • We have also designed Vigileak® Z to fulfill even lower sulfur requirements, in order to be in line with low sulfur content regulations in countries using LPG for car fuel, and also for situations where local temperature make the handling of low boiling point Ethylmercaptan or Vigileak® 7030 critical.

Vigileak® gas odorants blends composition

Blend name Description
Vigileak® 7030 TertioButylMercaptan 30%
DiMethylSulfide 70%
Vigileak® Z TertioButylMercaptan 50%
MethylEthylSulfide 50%

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