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In 2006, the first Responsible Care® Charter was signed in France by the French Union des Industries Chimiques and its member companies, including Arkema. By signing this latest charter, Arkema renews its commitment to sustainable growth while continuously working towards improvements in safety and the protection of health and the environment in accordance with the guiding principles of the ICCA(*).

The Arkema Group gears its research efforts to sustainable development and the key challenges of our planet. It creates innovative solutions for new energies, lighter materials, access to water, the development of renewable raw materials, and recycling.

As a responsible chemicals manufacturer, Arkema ensures the safe management of its products while involving every player in the supply chain from raw material procurement to customer. Accordingly, the Group has now joined the Together for Sustainability platform to evaluate and optimize the sustainable development practices of the various players in the chemical industry supply chain. Furthermore, the Group performs life cycle analyses of its products to help minimize the environmental impact of its activities.

Arkema places safety at the heart of its objectives and has set up safety management systems throughout its entities. It identifies the best options available to improve industrial safety in three complementary areas: technology, organization, and human resources.

The Arkema Group endeavors to promote both the individual and the collective development of its employees and regularly enhance their working conditions.

Beyond the regulatory scope of its obligations, Arkema promotes dialogue and exchanges with its stakeholders in order to foster relations of trust based on mutual awareness and understanding. This program, called Common Ground®, involves all personnel of the sites operated by the Group, and so contributes to a better perception of the chemical industry.


*ICCA has set a target to secure signatures from 90% of the CEOs of the world’s largest 150 chemical companies.
