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Arkema’s shareholders are invited to participate in the combined annual general meeting, which will be held on Thursday 19 May 2022 at 10 a.m. (Paris time) at the Palais Brongniart, Place de la Bourse, 75002 Paris.

The information referred to in article R.22-10-23 of the French Commercial Code including the preliminary notice of meeting (Avis de réunion - only available in French) published in the BALO (Bulletin des Annonces Légales Obligatoires) on 6 April 2022, the notice of meeting leaflet and the terms of participation and vote at this annual general meeting are available on Arkema’s website in the section Investors/Annual general meeting at the following address:

The documents and information referred to in article R. 225-83 of the French Commercial Code are included in the 2021 Universal Registration Document as well as in the addendum relative to the
shared-based compensation policy, both available on Arkema’s website in the section Investors/Annual general meeting.

These documents are also made available to shareholders under the conditions provided for by applicable regulations.


