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Production Manager, Sartomer

"(I am proud of) the people that I have worked with throughout the years.  Hard workers, team players who feel more like family than coworkers..."

Kathryn Watlington, Production Manager, Sartomer

What attracted you to Arkema?

I was originally hired in 2001 when the company was owned by Total.  I was attracted to the company as it was known for its safety culture and one of the top employer’s in our rural area.  In 2011, Arkema acquired the Sartomer business and continued the reputation for a strong safety culture along with providing great benefits to employees.

What keeps you engaged with Arkema?

Allowing my voice to be heard and being included in decision-making.  Additionally, the opportunity for advancement within the company throughout my career.

What’s a typical day at Arkema look like for you?

Working with employees throughout the site in multiple departments whether via virtual meeting or in person to keep production schedules moving, shipping materials, or plant improvements. 

What skills have you learned or developed working for Arkema?

Arkema has given me the opportunity to learn more about plant audits both internal and external along with SAP skills including warehouse management. 

What are you proud of when you think about your time working with Arkema?

The people that I have worked with throughout the years.  Hard workers, team players who feel more like family than coworkers.

What Arkema Value resonates strongly for you and why? 

Safety!  It’s important that I return home to my family each night and that my coworkers do the same.

What Arkema Value do you see prominently practiced at work? 

Safety!  Working safely is a part of how we run our plant.  It’s ingrained in every step that we take throughout our day.  Not only have we been trained to examine our own behaviors both on and off site but to also look out for others to help keep them safe as well.
