Beaumont, Texas
Products and markets
Our products are key ingredients in the manufacture of biodegradable herbicides, pesticides and animal feed supplements. These products are also used in the production of pharmaceuticals, photographic chemicals and circuit boards.
Ethyl mercaptan is primarily used as an odorizer for propane gas, sold through Arkema’s odorants business. The strong odor that ethyl mercaptan adds to propane makes gas leaks easier to detect, protecting homes and businesses.
MMP is used in the production of methionine, an essential amino acid and a key component of poultry, swine and ruminant (cattle, sheep, etc.) feed.
Visit the Thiochemicals website for more information.
Key figures for 2023 |
Number of employees |
125 |
Local economic impact (payroll/utility /property taxes paid annually) |
$35 million |
Investment in health, environment, and safety |
$7 million |
Safety record |
3 years without a lost-time injury |
Commitment to safety and the environment
Mechanical asset replacements/upgrades to maintain a modern facility and reduce environmental emissions.
Employees are trained thoroughly both before beginning their jobs and routinely after.
Beaumont Emergency Response Team employees are trained in all aspects of emergency response including; rescue, HAZ-Mat, medical and fire fighting.
Behavior Based Safety – Our BBS process focuses on identifying and reinforcing safe behaviors, with efforts showing a positive correlation between employee and site safety performance. This process is very effective at identifying and reducing risk.
Recertified in 2023 as OSHA Voluntary Protection Program Star Site – the plant is celebrating over 20 years of STAR status in OSHAs VPP Program.
Awards and certifications
Recertified in 2023 as OSHA Voluntary Protection Program Star Site–20 Years
The Arkema Group, through its Common Ground® program, is committed to building relationships between our Company and its communities. Community relations enable the Group to open up its sites to the outside world and establish genuine relations of trust with all its stakeholders.
Community involvement
- American Chemistry Council (ACC) and Texas Chemical Council member – We are committed to ACC’s Responsible Care® initiative. The Arkema E3 (Enhancing Environmental Excellence) program, instituted at Arkema facilities, is geared to the reduction of chemical residuals and waste.
- Community Advisory Panel (CAP) – We are part of a group of local citizens (neighborhood leaders, local environment agency representatives, and environmental activists) who help us maintain communications with the businesses and residents in our area. Arkema also participates as part of the Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC).
- Education Support – We partner with Lamar Institute of Technology by hosting interns for hands-on training (operations, instrument and electrical technicians).
- Southeast Texas Alerting Network (STAN) – We work to enhance public communications and response with Hardin, Jefferson, and Orange counties. We are committed to providing open and honest communications to the public, with the primary goal of placing informative messages on STAN within the first 15 minutes of an emergency or high profile event.
- Southeast Texas Regional Planning Commission – We work on regional air quality issues as an industrial group sponsored by the regional planning commission.
- Southeast Texas Plant Managers – Actively participate in monthly meetings with other area plant managers.
- We also support these regional associations in various ways: Beaumont Chamber of Commerce, Beaumont I.S.D. Foundation, Beaumont Main Street, Life Share Blood Center, Sabine Neches Chiefs, St. Elizabeth Hospital Foundation, Trinity Neches Livestock, Young Men's Business League.
Responsible Care is a registered trademark of the American Chemistry Council
Last updated: September 2024