Websites and locations

Products and markets

The Louisville site manufactures hot-melt adhesives for hygiene, paper and cardboard, adhered tapes, labels and film markets, assembly, adhesives and building components.

Key figures for 2023

Number of employees


Local economic impact

$5.626 million

Investment in health, environment, and safety


Safety record

More than 1 year without a lost-time injury


Our commitment to safety and the environment

The company has been working to develop and improve a safety culture in each of our employees, some of our safety strategies to support this important change are CARE Observation program implementation, living The Essentials, lessons learned process. Company has also been making investments to improve machine conditions to operate in a safe way, implementation of sensors, guards, alarms, etc.

Community involvement

The Plant has a donation program to support charitable organizations as part of our outreach to the communities in which we do business. Our donations went to:

  • The Home of Innocents
  • Crusade of Children (PRP)
  • Southwest Community Ministries

Last updated: December 2023
