Websites and locations

Products and markets

Key markets are Tapes, Labels, Medical, Construction, Automotive and Aerospace.

Key figures for 2023

Number of employees


Local economic impact

$10.2 million

Investment in health, environment, and safety


Safety record

Less than 1 year without a lost-time injury


The Arkema Group, through its Common Ground® program, is committed to building relationships between our Company and its communities. Community relations enable the Group to open up its sites to the outside world and establish genuine relations of trust with all its stakeholders.

Community involvement

  • Chemical Industry Council of Illinois (CICI) - The Calumet City plant is a member of this industry council, which serves as a voice for our industry on issues that impact us. CICI also has an education foundation that encourages high school and junior high school students to explore careers in chemistry.
  • Emergency Response Drill - With participation from local authorities and emergency responders.

Stay connected with us

Last updated: September 2024
