Dublin, Ohio
Products and markets
Key figures for 2023 |
Number of employees | XX |
Local economic impact | $X million |
Investment in health, environment, and safety |
$X million |
Safety record |
5 years without a lost-time injury |
Updated October 2023
Commitment to safety and the environment
By reviving our New Hire Safety Orientation program, we demonstrate a commitment to safety to all new team members. This program is designed to instill a safety-first mindset, so all employees return home from work in the same condition they arrived. From chemical hygiene to emergency response procedures, our half-day orientation program ensures all employees have the information they need to begin working safely while highlighting the resources available to them for more information or concerns.
Awards and certifications
The Arkema Group, through its Common Ground® program, is committed to building relationships between our Company and its communities. Community relations enable the Group to open up its sites to the outside world and establish genuine relations of trust with all its stakeholders.
Community involvement
List here in bullet points the names of the organizations you support and in what way (member, donations, clean-up, etc.)
Stay connected with us
Last updated: July 2024