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In line with the developments made to the Arkema trimaran in the last 3 years, in late 2015 the Group set upon building a high-tech prototype monohull that included its materials and innovative solutions from the design stage. Developed jointly with the SME Lalou Multi based in the Gironde region, this Mini 6.50 at the cutting edge of innovation has a hull and a deck made from the Elium® recyclable thermoplastic resin, a world first. Also fitted with spectacular innovations for navigation, the sailboat has now carried out its first sea trials.

Building on its experience in developing materials and innovative solutions with the Arkema trimaran, the Group has finalized the construction of the Mini 6.50 prototype, a monohull designed from the outset to have its latest technologies on board.


A genuine technological feat, the hull and the deck of the sailboat were manufactured entirely from a composite: Elium® thermoplastic resin / carbon fiber obtained by the infusion technique.

The result of close collaboration between the Lalou Multi teams and the Lacq Research Center (GRL), the construction of this boat from a recyclable thermoplastic composite is a world first.


The bonding solutions from Bostik (Arkema’s specialty adhesives business) have played a major role in the coat’s structural assembly. In particular, the bulkheads and the deck were bonded to the hull with methacrylate adhesives (AEC Polymers) and MS Polymers adhesives, and the structural foams were assembled with a polyurethane adhesive. The boat is therefore entirely glued with Arkema products.


Another innovative material which was already put to the test on the trimaran and other offshore racing saiboats is Altuglas® ShieldUp, which is both transparent like glass but lightweight and capable of withstanding the most extreme conditions. The cockpit windows and the hood (protection outside the cabin) were made from this innovative material.





Finally, driven by the spirit of collaboration and innovation shared between Arkema and Lalou Multi, this monohull is fitted with spectacular novel features for navigation. These too are a first for this type of sailboat. Innovations include the shape of the hull (rounded stem), the mast and its sail (wing rigging), the fixation point of the foresail (adjustable forestay), a canting keel, and moveable submerged wings (tilting foils).


This Mini 6.50, which alone represents a veritable laboratory for Arkema’s innovation and for ocean racing, is now entering its test and optimization phase to assess this various nautical equipment.


Thereafter, following a comprehensive training and proficiency program, Quentin Vlamynck, the boat’s young skipper, and his new boat will be on the Mini Transat start line in 2017 to fly the Arkema colors.


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