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On Saturday 12 December 2015, 195 countries adopted the Paris Climate Agreement. Arkema is proud to have been involved to the best of its abilities in this historic undertaking: the “first universal agreement on climate”.

Throughout 2015, Arkema has reaffirmed its commitments to the protection of our planet. From preparatory conferences last May to its involvement in situ in Le Bourget, Arkema indeed expressed its support for the negotiations of the 21st Conference of the Parties: CEFIC Open LetterBusiness Manifesto on Climate, debates with Heike Faulhammer and Nicolas de Warren amongst others, and of course Arche de Noé Climat.

Through this operation, Arkema is proud to have conveyed the messages of French people to the negotiators, and to have played a role in discussions and debates. The Altuglas® animals will have been privileged witnesses to this landmark moment, and will continue their mission of rallying people around the urgency of climate issues. 80 of them are eagerly awaited on the Paris City Hall esplanade from 22 December 2015 to 9 January 2016.

Meanwhile, Arkema maintains its commitment to fight against climate change. The Group optimizes its industrial practices to minimize as much as possible the production of greenhouse gases, while also innovating to offer its customers responsible and sustainable solutions and products.


To be continued…
