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Arkema and Hydro-Québec, through its subsidiary SCE France, have announced the signature of a partnership for the creation of a joint laboratory for research and development in the energy storage sector. More specifically, this laboratory will focus its work on the development of a new generation of materials for the manufacture of lithium-ion batteries, in particular new electrolytes (solvents, lithium salts, etc.) and conduction agents (carbon nanotubes, conductive polymers, etc.).

This collaboration between Arkema and SCE France is excellent news for the development of hybrid and electric public and private transport that seeks very safe, efficient, high quality and less costly technologies for the development of materials intended for Li-Ion batteries.


"This new partnership with such a renowned group as Arkema clearly positions us as a leader in the development of highly promising technologies for cutting-edge batteries that will power tomorrow’s electric transport as well as develop energy storage systems", said Karim Zaghib, Energy Storage and Conversion Director at IREQ and Managing Director of SCE France.


"Thanks to the dynamism of Région Aquitaine, the creation of this joint laboratory is further strengthening an already very rewarding partnership with IREQ, the unquestionable leader in the field of Li-Ion batteries. It is in line with Arkema’s strategy to offer ultra high performance materials dedicated to the renewable energies and electric vehicle sectors. Our top objective is to speed up the placing on the market of new lithium salts, which have already proven their efficiency in improving the safety and power of Li-Ion batteries" explains Christian Collette, Arkema Research and Development Vice President.

A global chemical company and France’s leading chemicals producer, Arkema is building the future of the chemical industry every day. Deploying a responsible, innovation-based approach, we produce state-of-the-art specialty chemicals that provide customers with practical solutions to such challenges as climate change, access to drinking water, the future of energy, fossil fuel preservation and the need for lighter materials. With operations in close to 50 countries, some 19,000 employees and research centers in North America, France and Asia, Arkema generates pro forma annual revenue of some €7.5 billion, and holds leadership positions in all its markets with a portfolio of internationally recognized brands.


Hydro-Québec transmits and distributes electricity. It is Canada’s largest electricity producer and one of the world’s leading hydropower producers. Its sole shareholder is the Québec government. It uses mainly renewable generating options, in particular hydropower, and supports the development of other sources of energy, e.g. wind and biomass, through purchases from independent power producers. Its research institute, IREQ, conducts research and development work in energy-related fields, including energy efficiency and energy storage. Hydro-Québec invests $100 M in research every year.

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