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​​​​​​​Siliporite® beads for VOC removal

Siliporite® beads are used to trap moisture, VOC and odors, thanks to their superior adsorption capabilties and dust free properties.
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Chemical name : Molecular sieves


​​​​​​​Siliporite® activated powders for VOC removal
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Siliporite® activated powders are incorporated to plastics to trap moisture, VOC and odors, thanks to their superior adsorption ...
​​​​​​​Siliporite® activated powders  for cosmetic industry
  • 製品
High performance molecular sieves in activated powders provide a regulated delivery of cosmetic ingredients in beauty masks.
​​​​​​​Siliporite® beads for VOC removal
  • 製品
Siliporite® beads are used to trap moisture, VOC and odors, thanks to their superior adsorption capabilties and dust free ...
​​​​​​​Siliporite® reaction aids
  • 製品
Siliporite® powders, beads and pellets are used to trap moisture and thus accelerate reactions, such as esterification, by water ...