  • 製品群

Siliporite® for Refining and chemical industry

The result of decades of R&D and the fruit of collaboration with the main players in the sector, Arkema's expertise in refining cuts is recognized around the world.
  • アフリカ
  • アジア・太平洋地域
  • ヨーロッパ
  • ラテンアメリカ・カリブ海地域
  • 中東
  • 北アメリカ
  • オセアニア


​​​​​​​Siliporite® activated powders for VOC removal
  • 製品
Siliporite® activated powders are incorporated to plastics to trap moisture, VOC and odors, thanks to their superior adsorption ...
​​​​​​​Siliporite® activated powders  for cosmetic industry
  • 製品
High performance molecular sieves in activated powders provide a regulated delivery of cosmetic ingredients in beauty masks.
​​​​​​​Siliporite® beads for VOC removal
  • 製品
Siliporite® beads are used to trap moisture, VOC and odors, thanks to their superior adsorption capabilties and dust free ...
​​​​​​​Siliporite® reaction aids
  • 製品
Siliporite® powders, beads and pellets are used to trap moisture and thus accelerate reactions, such as esterification, by water ...

Siliporite® molecular sieves have an important function with protecting catalyst in the dowstream equipments. These catalysts have higly sensitive to traces of sulfur, mercury, oxygenates and water.

Arkema supplies efficient adsorbents packages which combine Siliporite® molecular sieves and activated alumina in order to protect different catalysts in refining and petrochemical units.
