  • 製品

Prochinor ® FL

製品群を見る Prochinor®.
In addition to demulsifiers used in onshore or offshore production units or in refineries, the residual oil in water has to be separated in a specific effluent treatment plant using deoilers. Deoilers Prochinor ® FL can be flocculants or coagulants.
  • 世界的

Chemical name : Acrylamides/quats, Anionic, Cationic polymers



Prochinor ® FL

  • 製品
In addition to demulsifiers used in onshore or offshore production units or in refineries, the residual oil in water has to be separated in a ...

Prochinor® AM

  • 製品
Prochinor® AM are antifoam/defoamer additives. They prevent or cure foam formation in crude oil processing and storage facilities, and ...

Prochinor® AP

  • 製品
There are three categories of Prochinor® AP :
- Flow improvers which reduce the viscosity of waxy crudes/condensates
- ...