Siliporite® Airsiev P Series for Air Separation Units
Airsiev® P grade are synthetic molecular sieves designed to purify air (CO2 and H2O removal) upstream of the Air Separation Units. Airsiev® P grade is a Sodium based product.
- アフリカ
- アジア・太平洋地域
- ヨーロッパ
- ラテンアメリカ・カリブ海地域
- 中東
- 北アメリカ
- オセアニア
Your value-added partnership with Arkema, the worldwide molecular sieves supplier
Since 1958 Arkema has been a major player in molecular sieves and a renowned expert in the field with its Siliporite® registered trademark.
Since 1958 Arkema has been a major player in molecular sieves and a renowned expert in the field with its Siliporite® registered trademark.
In Air Separation Units (ASU), the first step is to remove water, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide and hydrocarbons using a Pressure Swing Adsorption Process (PSA). This is achieved with molecular sieves such as Arkema’s Airsiev® products.
Downstream, air is processed in a cryogenic distillation column to produce pure nitrogen (N2), oxygen (O2) and argon (Ar). The molecular sieves unit is a very critical step of the process to avoid any damage to the cryogenic section.