Websites and locations

Milan headquarter



Arkema Srl
Via Caldera, 21
20153 Milano - Italia

Phone: (+39 ) 0293 5131

Spinetta Marengo production plant

The Spinetta Marengo plant, in the province of Alessandria, specializes in the production of organic peroxides (over 8,000 tons of finished products per year).

The staff is made up of 65 employees, of whom 20 from external companies (except during plant shutdowns). Average annual investments are 1-2 million euros a year.

  • ISO 9001 - Quality
  • ISO 14001 - Environment
  • OHSAS 18001 - Safety

Arkema Srl
Piazzale Donegani, 5/6
15122 – Spinetta Marengo (AL)

Phone: (+39) 0131 215111

Boretto plant

The Boretto plant, in the province of Reggio Emilia, specializes in the production of: acrylic copolymers, styrene acrylic copolymers, vinyl versatic copolymers, vinyl copolymers.

Production exceeds 50000 tons per year of finished products.

Its surface is 50,000 square meters with 85 employees. Annual investments amount to 1 million euros a year.

  • ISO 9001 - Quality
  • ISO 14001 - Environment
  • ISO 50001 - Energy
  • EMAS Environmental Registration
  • OHSAS 18001 - Safety

Arkema Srl
Via Finghé, 2
42022 – Boretto (RE)

Phone: (+39) 0522 968611

Gissi plant

The plant is in the province of Chieti, has 58 employees and is 40,000 m2 divided as follows:

  • Construction 16%
  • Roads, Warehouses 34%
  • Green area 50% (including about 120 olive trees)

The families of resins are produced are:

  • Saturated polyesters
  • Polyurethanes
  • Reactive and thermoplastic polyamides
  • Some alkyd resins
  • ISO 9001 - Quality
  • ISO 14001 - Environment
  • ISO 50001 - Energy
  • ISO 45001- Safety

Arkema Srl
Stabilimento di Gissi
Zona industriale, Traversa B
66052 Gissi (CH)

Phone: (+39) 0873 94521

Anagni plant

The Anagni site produces and markets organic peroxides and persulphates since 1992, the year of its foundation.
On 1st July 2016, the plant is acquired by Arkema Srl. At the base of the company is the experience and knowledge of this particular sector acquired by its members in over 30 years, both from a production and market point of view.

The company staff consists of highly motivated elements (57 employees on the Anagni site); this fact, together with their size, guarantees a remarkable flexibility, attention and readiness towards the customers in the choice of the most suitable products and in the realization of crosslinking systems more suited to the needs of the customers.

  • ISO 9001 - Quality
  • OHSAS 18001 - Safety

Arkema Srl
Località Paduini
03012 – Anagni (FR)

Phone: (+39) 0775 77861
