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Arkema is a leading global producer of acrylic monomers. Thanks to their unique properties acrylic monomers improve every day life by making products last longer, allowing water based formulations wihout solvents and a cleaner environment.


Butylacrylate is a colorless liquid above its freezing point of -64°C (-83°F). Its homopolymer glass transition temperature is -54°C (-65°F).
It can be polymerized with each other and copolymerized with other monomers to produce polymers having the optimal properties for your application.



  • Adhesives

  • Chemical compounding

  • Enhanced oil recovery additive

  • Lubricant additives

  • Plastics manufacturing  etc.


Ethylacrylate is a colorless liquid above its freezing point of -72°C (-97°F). Its homopolymer glass transition temperature is - 24°C (-31°F).
It can be polymerized with each other and copolymerized with other monomers to produce polymers having the optimal properties for your application.



  • Architectural coating

  • Chemical compounding

  • Municipal water treatment

  • Oil field additive

  • Plastics manufacturing  etc.


2-Ethylhexylacrylate is a colorless liquid above its freezing point of -90°C (-130°F). Its homopolymer glass transition temperature is -70°C (-94°F).

It can be polymerized with each other and copolymerized with other monomers to produce polymers having the optimal properties for your application.



  • Adhesives

  • Architectural coating

  • Floor coating

  • Lubricant additives

  • Roof coating
